Dog owners: Usually extroverted and don’t like you if you don’t like their dog, allergies and phobias are no excuse. Most give Pomeranian energy. They care about what breed their dog friend is. Either very compassionate and love people or completely stuck up.
Cat owners: Introverted people that are pretty chill and find cat antics to be very entertaining. They will chose their over any person. They anything that is vaguely cat looking.
Fish owners: Low maintenance and pretty chill. They love water and would probably live in it if they could. They’re very good at finding stuff that is very aesthetically pleasing.
Bird owners: Can somehow tolerate screaming 24/7 and have never gotten overwhelmed. Are most likely very loud themselves. They treat their birds like their babies.
Reptile owners: Bearded dragons were their first pet reptile. They mostly like reptiles because they look cool. Some might still think having a snake is hardcore and quirky.
Horse owners: Horses are somehow their entire personality and they have infinite time to spend on them.
Rabbit owners: Are very energetic but not very expressive. They put their bunnies up to royalty status and would let them murder them in their sleep.
Ferret owners: That one very energetic extrovert that sleeps half the day. They probably have a collection of something.
Rat owners: People who like the quiet and clean. They still think their rats are clean even after their pets precede to destroy their room and go to the bathroom everywhere. Sadly have had many rats die but are committed.
Mice owners: People that like budget rats. Also have a pet grave but respects life more. Very careful and creative.
Guinea pig owners: Behold, the most amazing animal in existence. They probably like cuddles.
Monkey owners: You just wanted a kid.
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