Hi! My name is Luka and I come from Croatia. I am a second year student at the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb,Croatia. From an early age I rescue animals together with my family, We rescued them at our own expense and we do not make money or sell them. My sister joined a local animal rescue and protection group and has been volunteering there ever since.
I have 10 snakes, 3 cats, a bearded dragon, frogs and 3 tarantulas with me. All my animals were rescued, they were in poor condition and I treated them at my own expense, so far I have saved hundreds of animals, I don’t even count how many more. I moved away from home to study, and my family sends me minimal financial aid, in addition I work on weekends, I do all sorts of jobs just to get some money. My family, the exclusionary sister, does not support the keeping of snakes and lizards, due to a lack of awareness and education. Reptiles are demonized in this area. They don’t want me to fund the expenses I have because of keeping them. When I moved to a new city, where I study, I took out a credit of 30,000 kn ($4600)to afford new equipment for reptiles (terrariums, lighting, etc.) and stuff I must have to study. the loan/credit was illegal, since I do not have a permanent job I can not take it from the bank. I bought the new equipment because before I went to study, I lived in the family home, and in order for new animals to come to me for care, I would personally make diy conditions for them, from things I would find at home. Improvised accommodation,right?
This year in February I had a fire in the apartment I am renting, which is not in my ownership. The fire is not the result of my fault, but the fault of the landlord so I don’t have to pay any financial compensation, thank God, but that doesn’t detract from the fact that I was left without everything. I can't sue him since I didn't sign the contract when entering the apartment. In the fire I lost everything I had gained so far. All the animal equipment, the laptop, the computer and the cell phone, along with all the clothes and generally all the things I had. My family thinks I’m responsible for the fire because I smoke pot, they think I was intoxicated and inadvertently caused the fire, but I didn’t. All the animals survived except one corn snake, unfortunately. It has been 9 months since February. I didn't mean to ask for financial help, so I took out a loan/credit again to repay the old one,and for the equipment and things I needed to live, study and keep animals, I planned to get a job and take a year off from college. I never thought to ask for money, but at the moment I am in need, I don't have any, I have too many animals and I keep them in improvised accommodation, I also have 2 loans/credits and I don't know how to repay it all. After 9 months I have not yet found a solution and my life is awful, so I’m here to ask you if you know where I can find a place on the Internet where I could seek financial help for reptile equipment? I need donations. Thank you
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