Monday, October 4, 2021

What would be a good pet for me?

Alright, first off hello to everyone who's reading. I've been wanting a pet for years now and since I'm almost 19 I thought it was a good idea to start looking for a pet which suits me. I would really like an animal companion since I'm still mostly at home due to online school and don't have that many friends. Here's a list of things that I have to take into account before getting a pet (idk how to put something like this into a proper sentence since English isn't my primary language):

  • I have ADHD and autism so I would like a pet that's not to loud. I'd really like a bird since my dad has a shit ton of doves and chickens in his garden a couple minutes away from our house but I think that a bird as a pet might be to noisy... Correct me if I'm wrong
  • I'd rather not get a rodent pet. I've had rabbits, guinea pigs and mice in the past and i do not like the smell.
  • The size doesn't really matter that much as long as the animal is not the size of a dog or something. Something the size of a bearded dragon of parrot or smaller would be good.

Personally I thought that either ones of these might be a good pet for me:

  • Gecko
  • Small snake
  • A bird like lovebirds, parrotlets, budgies, etc. I know I thought they might be too noisy but I'm not 100% sure if they are and if they're not i only really need a cage since my dad has all the extra stuff since he himself has bird stuff and he's good a lot of friends who keep different birds.
  • A hedgehog. Not sure about this one but they seem like they'd pretty co and not to hard to take care off...

But besides that, i have no idea. Help would really be appreciated. Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/Professional_Cut_683
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