Friday, September 17, 2021

Brumation advice

Hi, I've had my beardie for a few months now and I'm pretty sure she started brumation a few days ago. She started getting more sluggish and less interested in food about a week or two ago, she was also digging at the corners of her enclosure and spending more time on the cool side than the warm side. I figured it was either brumation or she was gravid, and I didn't feel any eggs or see any weight fluctuation so I figured I'd start preparing for brumation.

I kept putting food out for her and she completely stopped eating a few days ago, I left it in there a few days but she wasn't touching it-- I left some dried flowers in there just in case but I took out anything that could rot or die.

I was giving her baths every other day, but a few days ago when she stopped eating she also stopped coming out of the back corner of her enclosure and I didn't want to bother her so I've left her alone since then.

She definitely pooped since the last time I saw her eat, and hasn't since then. I haven't seen her move from her corner in the last few days either. She has a hide that she usually sleeps in that I figured she'd want to brumate in as well, but she's out in the open now, just under her hammock so it's shady.

I'm a little worried that it may not be brumation- I've never seen it before so I don't know if I'm reading the signs correctly, and it's also still pretty hot where I live (CA, it hasn't been below 90° F in months) so it doesn't make sense to me that she's starting now.

I'm also just wondering what I should be doing for her. I've mostly seen stuff say to leave her alone, which I've been doing-- I check in on her to say hi and make sure she's not dead or upset and she's been fine so far.

I've also seen stuff saying to keep giving her baths, but I haven't done that yet cause I don't want to disturb her and I don't know how often I should be doing that.

I'm also wondering if I should cover her with a blanket or something-- everything says that she needs a hide, but she has one and isn't going in there so I don't know if she just wants to be more in the open? She's in the shade under her hammock and I taped newspaper up around the corner she chose so it's shadier but maybe she needs more?

I also changed the light schedule-- it used to be the heat+uv were on from 6am-10pm, now they're on 6am-8pm-- do you think that's good? Too much? Not enough?

This is my first reptile so I'm super new to everything, I've done research and everything but I'd still like advice/constructive criticism on what I'm doing! Tysm:))

submitted by /u/Particular-Constant
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