Saturday, July 31, 2021

Random assortment of noob questions

(Disclaimer: I have a TBI so my memory is shit, so I appreciate direct links to EXACTLY what I need to get. Making decisions is hard for me) ((Sorry for the super long post. I just want to give Rango a better life 🥺))

Hi guys! I’ll be rescuing a beardie from a friend who’s neglecting it pretty badly. I want to spend sufficient time researching how to give this baby the best life possible. So I’ve compiled a list of noob questions that I wanted to get as many answers in one place as possible. So please answer what you can. Direct links are so appreciated. I’m in a covid hotspot so going to shops is hard.


I know they do not currently provide any UVB lighting, can someone send me a link to their favorite fixture? Would this bulb work okay?

They currently use some kind of “purple heat night light” and from what I’m reading that’s unnecessary, they need a non light heating light thing, correct?

So substrate is highly debatable. I’m leaving towards loose but OTHER THAN IMPACTION, what are the pros and cons? How do you clean lose sub? Do you change it often? For tile substrate, could something like this work? It seems textured and not slick so walking would be better than a flat tile, but it’s not individual stones that could get their toes caught or be hard to clean. Thoughts?

Tank accessories… can I get outdoor sticks and rocks and stuff? How do I properly sanitize it? The current owners have his basking rock that has a cave and a cardboard soda can box. That’s IT. I want to enrich him. Are hammocks safe? Will they chew on them? What kind of accessories do y’all have? Do many of y’all decorate the walls? I want all the inspo pictures, brag on yourself!

Feeding. So the beardie, Rango, is an adult. 60% salad 40% protein. Fruit sparingly, yes? I know the roaches are standard, and crickets. I’m leaning towards crickets because of my insect phobia. How do y’all store them? His tank will be in my room and while one or two crickets in his tank won’t be bad, I’m worried about how to store the rest of them and not be driven mad. Do manny people feed them pinkies? Do y’all put their salads into a food processor and make it a mush?

What do y’all bathe them with, soap wise? They use a very small amount of unscented baby soap or dawn dish soap with a soft bristled toothbrush. They rarely wash him whereas I’d be washing weekly and deep cleaning weekly.

Please let me know of any other tips or suggestions you have! 🖤🦎

submitted by /u/marissa_the_gay
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