Like, I rescued my beardie as an adult, so she was never really held often when she was younger. And it shows when I interract with her. like I love her and she's very cuddly and not at all afraid of me or my hands and shes always so tolerable, never dark or anything. She just, doesn't like it. She always runs from you when you try to pick her up, even when she's acting like she wants out of her tank, she still prefers to wall surf as opposed to letting me take her out to roam. I've tried constantly to get her to like being held and touched more and, she'll hang out on you, and I can take her places and she'll be on my shoulder, but she just kind of, tolerates it. It seems. Also, it sucks that over the course of me having her she's went from liking baths to hating them, I can only assume it's because the handling. And if I'm venting I might as well say that a when I first moved in with my boyfriend, he was kind of annoying when it came to handling her, he was overly interested in her and bothered her what felt like constantly, and kind of took advantage of her tolerance to like, not leave her alone. Spend too much time trying to get her to eat something she didn't want, etc. But I definitely don't think he is the sole reason, and he's calmed down a bit after we've talked. And I think even before moving in with him, I'm sure her trust of hands went down lower when I initially took her to the vet and got her on antibiotics. A lot of prying and doing things she didn't want to do.
Still though, I see these posts about people talking about their babies and how they'd jump and climb on their fingers and think about how my beardie would be if I had been there to interact with her when she was young. I don't know where this is going, I just wanna vent I guess. I'm so glad I rescued her and it's very so rewarding, but man I wish I had a more touch friendly lizard. I don't know, do other people have these feelings?
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