Friday, August 19, 2022

I'm a horrible lizard mother

I have a bearded dragon and I saw he wasn't feeling well a couple days ago but I didn't do anything because I thought it would pass.

A day before yesterday I saw he's beard was black and he wasn't putting weight on his stomach. I thought that maybe he was constipated or something so I tried to heal him by giving him pumpkin puree, giving him bath and massaging is stomach. He did poop later on (yesterday) and I saw a bit of blood but thought nothing of it. He's beard was still black. I told my mom and she said it was nothing to worry about so I believed her.

Today he pooped something and it was covered in blood. I showed my mom and we went to the vet. What we thought were blueberries with blood were actually blood clot and we found out my beardy had internal bleeding and it's really irritated. The vet told us there's a high chance he might die. But fortunately, he's okay-ish and the vet let us take him back home with meds to give him everyday for 2 weeks. He could've died. If I had taking him to the vet the moment I saw he wasn't doing good this could've been avoided and it wouldn't have been so severe.

I gave him his meds not to long ago and puked. We were told that he shouldn't puke and if he did to call. I'm currently waiting for them to pick up the phone but I feel so guilty. He's probably in this condition because of me. Maybe I didn't take care of him well enough? Maybe I gave him he's meds wrong and that's why he puked? I'm feel so bad and I'm so scared to loose him. The vet said we should prepare of maybe find him dead one day because he's so weak and I feel like this is all my fault. I tried taking good care of him but I failed and now he might die because of it

Update? : He's been doing what looks like gag? I'm not sure. I don't know how to share videos on here but I have it on tape. I'm so worried. My mother is pressuring me to go take a bath and sleep but I just can't. All I want to do is stay in front of his tank and watch him in case he needs my help. Fortunately his tank is in my room so if something happens during the night I'll know the second I wake up but still

submitted by /u/Just_me_UwU
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