we got a beardy a few months ago and I've noticed she seems so tired during the day some days. I have recently learned that my father in law wakes up at around 1-3 am everyday, turns on all the hallway and room lights around her enclosure to as well as blasting his TV in the living room near her tank and yelling loudly. (he gets ready for work at this time)
I'm trying to decide between a hefty blackout curtain to lay over the entire tank, or moving her tank to my bedroom. I cannot ask him to be quiet because he thinks it's a joke and will immediately get louder or tease me which I just don't have patience for at 2am.
the problem with the curtain is I worry about sound still, and with my bedroom I worry about bothering her when we stay up past her lights out time (9-12pm).
I feel terrible she's probably exhausted and I've been covering her in sheets and staying up to turn off lights around her but I'm sure the flicking off and on is just as annoying.
tldr: my father in law will not stop turning on all the lights and watching TV loudly next to my beardies enclosure while they sleep
What's the best option to help her get her sleep?
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