I wish our bearded dragons knew how much we love them..
I may be a bit dramatic and all over with this post right now but i am currently a ball of emotions. Sometimes i talk to my bearded dragons, tell them i love them so dearly, tell them they HAVE to eat their veggies no matter how good the mealworms sound. I wish they knew we put thousands of dollars into their care. I personally love my beardies so much, they’re my babies. I want to give them the whole moon! i’m sure you all can agree. I just really wish we could all have one day even one hour to just have our beardies understand what we say..
and to those who say “omg they’re just lizards” .. they’re not “just lizards” they’re loved as much as you could love a cat or dog, they’re family.
thank you for listening ◡̈
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