Wednesday, November 10, 2021

!! please help!! my new bearded dragons basking or eating anymore!

my bearded dragon is SO TERRIFIED. I got him sunday evening, hes a 10-14 week old baby. He ate 3 crickets, the first day... and 2 yesterday but hes been getting worse and worse! atleast on the first day he was basking! now he doesent even come out! he wont eat, he wont bask... i can tell he is getting more and more scared, yesterday he spent all day in his hide not moveing... and today i thought if he is out i can stop worrying, but no he came out for 5 mins in the morning, but strait back into his hide (even less than yesterday) and he had eaten by now yesterday aswell. I am certain he wont eat today.

I think it was the fact that he is in my bedroom where i am all the time, that was stressing him out, so i covered half the tank... but it didnt help at all..... so i have moved out of my bedroom, covered the tank with a towel. I dont know what to do, i dont know how long he can be like this? how long can they go without basking? how can i offer him food without makeing this situation worse? should i even offer him food if hes not basked.... i know this is relocation stress and perhaps being in my room where i was constantly made it worse!But all the research i have done all the videos i have watched! to try and get some help, none of their dragons! seem anywhere near this stressed! theirs no info on what i should do if my bearded dragon is too terified to even bask... if hes getting worse not better! how long i should let him not eat, not bask and not move! before i intervene and make sure he gets some heat? i dont understand why he is getting more scared and not less... at what point do i take him to the vet? all this info, all these questions all this stress, this is awful! i can see a clearly downward trend so far! from him being out and basking all day and eating a bit day 1 to him being more scared, eating less and hideing day 2 to him just hideing.tldr:I just need any and all advice u guys can give me. Id also love some reassurance about when i need to start REALLY worrying. Because atm i kinda going into panic mode here... hes getting worse. I dont know at what point i need to be worried he might die... i dont know at what point he goes to a vet and i dont know how seriouse this situation actually is at the moment, and how much of it is panic!Iv ordered some red runner roaches, i have heard they dont bite? could i maby put 10 in the enclosure with him and leave them there. So i dont have to go into the enclosure and uncover it, to make him feel even more secure? atm i dont know what more i can do... iv literally moved out of my own room...

submitted by /u/wormtail39
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