Friday, November 26, 2021

I lost my boy today.

I’m not native english speaker so please bear with me.

He was only 5 years old. I’m truly devastated because I feel like I did everything right but yet it seems like it wasn’t enough. About 2 months ago he started coughing a bit and heavy breathing. I took him to the vet. She said that he’s looking very healthy after the visual exam but since I said he’s coughing it would be better to Xray. So we did and afterwards she said that his lungs were not the best (nothing critical). She gave me an oral antibiotic to give him during 3weeks. After 2 weeks I didn’t see any improvement so I called back. She gave him injections. The next 3 weeks it was way better. Less and less coughing and at some point no coughing at all. I thought it was all over but still kept an close eye on him. He looked happy again and would be his normal self again.

Today he started coughing really badly out of nowhere in the middle of the day, worst than I ever seen. It was more like a mix of coughing and gargling. He was making really weird noises and really looked in pain (he was 100% fine and normal the day before). I tried to take him out of his enclosure but he started having a violent seizure right under my eyes. I called the vet while taking him out of his enclosure when his seizure calmed down. He was laying on me barely breathing while I was talking to the vet. He fought so hard for his life and I saw so much pain in his eyes it broke my heart and traumatized me… I drove so fast to the vet but he died before I got there (10mins drive). They don’t think it was a respiratory infection that killed him. They said it was most likely something incurable like a brain tumor (hence the seizure). Idk, I didn’t fully listen to what they said I was just in pain.

I can’t stop crying. It’s been a few hours since he passed. He was my only friend and my confident. I feel so alone and broken inside. Before I got him I did endless research on how to properly care for a bearded dragon. I know he had a good life with me and I always gave him the best. It still hurt so much. Anyways, I hope your dragons are doing well - hold them and tell them you love them today.

submitted by /u/Card_Hock_
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