He was 6 years old, I got him when he was a juvenile from my brother who didn't want him anymore.
His enclosure is a 40 gal breeder, used tile as the substrate, had a hide and basking spot. Temps were 100F in basking spot, 82 on cool side, night drop to 72. Using a T5 tube UVB and exo Terra basking bulb. When he was young though he only had a spiral uvb and a red heat light, this was changed about 4 years ago though.
Diet was mainly salad (usually collards, mustard greens, squash, with other veg and occasionally a piece of fruit), and bugs including dubias, crickets, and super worms and hornworms as treats. He got calcium dust with D3 added twice a week. When he was a baby before I got him he just got crickets dusted with calcium daily.
Last night he had a dark beard and wasn't moving around too much, but that isn't abnormal for him, he's gotten less active as he's gotten older but could still move around fine and hunted his bugs. Today when I got home from work he was passed away in his basking spot with his mouth open. No signs of impaction or MBD, his last poop looked normal.
I'm just at a loss as to what he could have died from, since he was so young and I feel his care was pretty spot on, I do plan on having a necropsy done but was wondering if anyone had an idea of what could have happened
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