My girlfriend and I have a bearded named Pepino that we've had about a year and a half. We got him from a guy who took good care of him but didn't have time to care for him anymore. He's a VERY chill boy. Almost too chill.
We're not really sure what to do with him! We try and take him out and hold him and let him roam a little but he's not really interested and likes to just sit. We take him outside in a harness sometimes but he just sits. He has a nice big tank with things to climb and hide under but he mostly just stays on his hammock all day and night. We've tried to make his life interesting because we're afraid he's bored but he's just not interested and never had been.
He also doesn't like a lot of veggies. We try and give him a wide variety along with worms but he's really only interested in the worms, sometimes kale, and he always will accept a blueberry as a treat.
He's very sweet but we think he's just lazy and maybe a little dim 😅 Does anyone else have beardies that act the same? He very rarely even walks around his tank, just sits in his hammock. We cleaned his tank last night and put him back and he seemed to remember he has a rock he can climb on so that's something at least.
EDIT: my gf wanted me to add that when he gets a bath he also just sits until he's taken out. He'll drink and then just waits until he's put back in his tank.
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