Firstly, if you have a new dragon, let them be for a couple weeks until they get more used to you. Talk to them often! Let them hear your voice!
Best idea is to keep their enclosure at or above eye-level for the first part of their life. It makes them feel safer when there is not a large imposing creature constantly looming over them. Do not allow dogs or cats to come face-to-face with the enclosure!! They may intimidate/upset your dragon.
On that same note, I always recommend a front-opening enclosure as opposed to a top-opening for that same reason. Dragons are (more often than not) instinctively afraid of predators swooping in from above, so avoiding coming in that way is absolutely best.
Wear a shirt/sweater/hoodie for a day and then put it in their enclosure to get them acquainted with your scent.
Feed with tongs, not hands!!!! Hand-feeding may train them to nip at fingers, thinking that every time you reach for them, they are getting food. They may get upset when they realize that you have no food when they associate it with hands.
I've found that the best way to directly bond is to do so right before their lights are due to go on. Carefully remove your sleepy beardie from the enclosure and carefully put them on a warm part of your bare skin (chest/neck area is a good place) with a blanket over their body (but not their head). Sit/lie down and chill out with them for a while softly talking to them and petting their body (not head!) as they warm up. You can play a video game, watch TV, or play on your phone while you do this, too, though try to be sure you keep the volume lower as not to scare them with loud noises. Then gently put your dragon back in their enclosure & under their heat lamp when you are done. Keep your dragon out for as long as you both are comfortable!
There are more ways to bond, and some suggestions may or may not work for your dragon. If you have questions and/or would like to share what has worked for you, please comment and let me know!
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