English is not my native language)
Hello, so for some backstory
My bearded dragon is a female named Draga I got here from a friend of my mom who couldn't take care of her anymore. She has never been "healthy" and just doesn't really have a lot of energy. She is about 4 years old.
So basically, she never really had a lot of strength to lift herself up. She always kind of crawled? We went to the vet and they didn't know why.
She hasn't eaten in over a week, and never wanted to eat worms or insects with calcium powder. Like she'd eat worms without the powder but as soon as there was any powder, she just wouldn't eat it. The same thing with vegetables/fruit.
We did have luck with like smushed fruit and veggies, but still not a lot.
Now. She does not have any strength in her arms like at All. She can move her arms when I support her body, but she can't push herself anymore. As soon as I let her go, she just lays down. She can kind of push herself with her back legs, but her arms will go back, and it just kinda looks concurning.
Any idea about what this might be? Is it a calcium shortage? Or something else? What can I do? My mom wants to wait it out but I'm scarred.
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