So scared to post this here 😂😂 some of y'all come in hot, and heavy.... but I have my big girl panties on, and I'm ready.
For those of you with whole room setups for your Tegu what is your set up like? I have a spare bedroom just for him, and I've seen very successful Tegus that were given an entire room I was thinking of making the closest area his heating area which I have a whole room humidifier, and I'm going to seal windows, and doors, and vents. There's also drylock, and humidity proof paint throughout the room. I also want to wire in long florescent UB lights through the room. Then make random hiding spots, and a bed just for him.
Have you done this, and can you show me yours, or give me your ideas? The tent he has, has to go, but the Bearded Dragon is inheriting after a good remod, and sterilization.
Thanks in advance.
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