Tuesday, July 13, 2021

just became the surprise mother to a neglected beardie - trying to decide if it’s best for little dude to be surrendered to a rescue or to keep and love him?

edit to add: this group is who originally recommended ReptiFiles and I have been religiously reading it! I also no longer have him with the red light in the linked photo

ok so, long story short, there was a family emergency in my family and I found out the family member had a bearded dragon and had been neglecting him other than feeding/watering him for months

he’s actually healthy, got him checked out and everything, and he’s doing good other than being dehydrated and not handled enough to be super socialized

his tank is also too small (40 gallon) and we don’t have a ton of money or space to get a much bigger one right this second. I can save up for it and it won’t take long to get one - I also have some friends that may have a spare one.

he’s been here a week and is already so much more relaxed, his real personality is shining and he’s so wonderful and I know he’s going to thrive once he’s comfortable

all that to say - I can’t help but feel like I could do a better job taking care of him if I had more resources

I spoke to a rescue to see if they did fosters or anything, but you have to surrender him altogether

I know right now, with covid, that the rescues (especially for reptiles), are overloaded and spread really thin

I’m trying to decide what’s best for little dude because my feelings don’t matter nearly as much as his safety

also - if it’s pertinent, I have a crested gecko already, so this is my first beardie but NOT my first reptile

TL;DR I rescued a beardie in an emergency situation, turns out he’s actually pretty healthy with no pressing issues (just general neglect) and I have the means to take care of him for now. I am trying to decide if I should give him a chance to thrive with me, or surrender him before I get attached.

I’ve always wanted a beardie, he just came at a surprise time. Like an unexpected pregnancy, lmao. Any opinions and ESPECIALLY any beginner advice welcome!

beardie tax (this is before I rescued him)

submitted by /u/mamaxchaos
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