Since i got my witblit dragon back in 2019 she has been terrible at eating. When I say terrible, i mean she will inherently miss her prey or bite the bowl that the prey is inside of before she ever gets to a point where she is able to successfully eat. She doesn't eat her greens at all, and refuses to drink water- even when i drip it on her snout. I went through a period of time where she wasn't touching food at all, so I had to syringe feed her (as my vet recommended) until she eventually went into brumation. When she woke up, she had a massive appetite and was chasing her bugs/ eating hella salads but is back to being the way she was before she brumated. She usually only eats dubias, but there is a massive shortage where I live and I can't afford the prices they're asking for them (50¢ for ONE roach.) I'm having to syringe feed her a blend of crickets, dandelion greens, squash, calcium and water to make sure she gets all of her nutrients. I don't want to do this forever, but she just can't seem to eat on her own. Does anyone have any ideas about why she may be doing this or have any solutions ? She also glass surfs and has an abundant amount of energy. Her temps are 95° in her basking area, 75° in the cool side of the tank. She has UVB.
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