So, for a long time (since I was in my fourth year in high school), I've been wanting a bearded dragon, even if I have to ask for one for my birthday or on the holidays. I know what everyone is thinking 'oh, she's one of those people who want a pet for their birthday, then never care for it afterward.' however, before I even started to think about getting a bearded dragon, I had done my own research first.
Such as, that baby bearded dragons should have a diet consisting of 80% of insects(preferably crickets or dubia roaches) that should calcium dusted twice a week and 20% of vegetables live endive and peeled cucumbers, and once in a while fruits such as berries and apples. I know that the terrarium should be a minimum of 75 gallons to a maximum of 120 gallons, that I should provide UVB bulbs to prevent MBD(metabolic bone disease), heat lamps, spare bulbs for both lightings, a hide, a temperature of around 95 degrees and 85 degrees. a basking rock or a hammock, a substrate that I can prevent a gut impaction when it comes to hydration, the animal gets most of its water from the food they'll eat or spraying them with a water bottle, however, if I feel the need to include a water dish, I must keep it shallow.
For obtaining a bearded dragon, I will not go to the big pet store chains, like Petsmart or Petco, as I heard that their reptile care is pretty terrible, let alone the information they give, so in that case, I would prefer to get a baby bearded dragon from a trustworthy breeder.
But, I'm not perfect, and I don't expect to be a perfect owner for a bearded dragon, but I will be the best bearded dragon mom that dragon will ever get! If anyone else has any advice, please let me know
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