Thursday, May 20, 2021

The stupidest question - hamsters vs bearded dragons

Hi, I have a extremely stupid question for you guys

I have gotten a "tingle" that I really really want a pet. My first choice would be to have a cat but I'm allergic so that's not going to happen. I also would like a dog but I'm slightly allergic to them as well and I also work too much at my current position (away 11-12h each day for 3 workday, rest of the week I work from home and are usually home all weekend. My partner works from home but he isn't going to be able to activate any pet). I have also looked at having a rabbit but i am allergic to hay as well

I'm at the moment switching between getting a hamster or a bearded dragon (also rats, but apparently they constantly pee on everything when left out and my partner would hate that)

I have had three hamsters in my life and while i have loved the little buggers two of them has been "ghost" hamsters. This means that they haven't left their nest until all lights are turned of and we have gone to bed. Dosn't matter if i stay up later, they were tame so i could do health checks on them without any issues. These hamster just didn't like to hang out with humans that much. The other one loved to run around on the sofa, over me etc etc. But they aren't that cuddly and I did occasional miss that, especially with the last one

So how does that compare to a bearded dragon? I have heard that they are chill and likes to cuddle? They would probably work nice with my allergies and my time schedule and looking at their care I haven't come across any "off-putting". I have space for a 1,5-2m2 tank

I know that these two pets are extremely different in needs, behavior etc. But is there anyone that has had both that can give me some compassion? (this is the stupidest part)

submitted by /u/OneFluffyCow
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