Hello, we got Ozzy, our 8 week old beardie, last Sunday. This is mine and my husbands first owned bearded dragon, so please excuse the ignorance! I do have a few questions that I hope can be answered and I’ll of course attach photos of him and his tank :). My first question, why won’t he eat much? the first few days he ate pretty great, 10-12 crickets were being eaten a day, and then he just stopped eating. We have hand fed him too, and we are sometimes successful with that, but he usually closes his eyes and we think that’s him saying, “please leave me alone” so that’s what we do. I also fed him two grapes today and a piece of kale, but after that he wouldn’t eat all of his crickets for dinner, just one. Also they are powdered in Calcium D3. He mostly just sits up at his basking spot all day and that’s all he does. Second question, His tank isn’t reaching 110°-115°. We have a 100 watt basking bulb, 75 watt UVB bulb, and a 100 watt Ceramic Emitter Heater. The highest his basking spot reaches is 97°, and the spot his Ceramic Heat Emitter is reaches 85°-87°. He has a 40 gallon tank, so it’s pretty big, and we were told by a few vets that putting 100 watt bulbs in would help the temperature, but it hasn’t.. it’s only helped his night temp because we keep his CHE on all day and night. It doesn’t get too cold in our room, so i’m not really sure to why his tank isn’t reaching up to 110°-115°. 3rd question, my husband and I bathed him yesterday night and he started to put his head under water and shake pretty violently. He did this twice, the first time i scooped him out as i thought maybe he slipped and was drowning. After the second time I picked him up and my husband and I tried our best to listen to him breathing which he sounded clear and his breathing has looked fine since the incident. We’re both not sure if this is a normal thing bearded dragons do in water, or if this is abnormal. We also thought he would finally poop, but he hasn’t pooped or urinated in 2 days which has us very worried as well.
We understand that moving him to a new tank/environment can cause him to be super stressed and possibly lower his appetite, but he’s only had 3 crickets the last 3 days. We sit at his tank and try and dangle the crickets near him to get him to eat and he’s not interested whatsoever. Some advice/help/reassurance would be greatly appreciated and I appreciate the time you took out of your night/day to read this long post.
So i just realized I can’t add photos to this. I will make a separate post with the video of him in his bath and him acting strange. Please take a look to understand where I am coming from when i describe it above. thank you!
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