I need help! I’ve read tons of books. But I feel like nothing addresses a few concerns I’m having. We got our new bearded dragon a month ago. He’s about 5 months old now and his name is Trevor. We’ve been letting him get used to the new digs and slowly began to try handling him. Hell still beard and pancake at us on occasion if we move too quickly, but for the most part he’s becoming okay with pets on the head and back. He seems to enjoy it actually but you can tell he’s a tad nervous. My husband has been able to pick him up but he gets soooo skittish- clearly hates it and runs away as soon as he can. What’s my course of action? I’ve read to keep holding him and if I put him down when he freaks, it’s basically teaching him that all he needs to do is flip out and he gets let go. I’ve also read to give him time and that eventually he’ll calm and it’ll be fine. I’ve read that juveniles can be skittish but also that if they aren’t handled enough- they could become less social. So what do I do?!! He’s never tried biting us- even when my husband held him while I cleaned his cage. Any advice would be soo helpful. I want to do right by this little man. Thank you!!!
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