I first brought Levy home two days ago and I've noticed she always crawls up to the top of her back wall and generally stays there, at first I thought it was just to get closer to her basking bulb but I saw her on the wall even in the cold side, so far I've only really seen her come off the wall one time to eat and to sleep the first night (tonight she slept on her wall) she's having a bit of trouble eating only getting 3-4 crickets per feeding session, the first night she went after them fine and ate a ton but yesterday she just stuck in her spot and waited for them to get close and almost never went after them. I'm just a little worried, I'm hoping the eating is because she's stressed from moving but I can't seem to find anything online about how she constantly sticks to the wall and if that's normal.
Edit: I realized just calling her a baby might not be specific enough but she's three weeks old
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